The 10th Demo's Changelogs: - Extended the game, yayyyyyyyyy, a little bit... (dw, Sky will be in charge of that-) - Changed the title screen - made this rpg in...
The 8th Demo's Changelogs: (8th Demo is actually just 7th Demo Part II :p) - Didn't extend the game sorry... but... if you beat the game... kindly press "O" new...
7th Demo's changelogs: - Extended the game for like 15-30 seconds, I think, though this part is like important. - FIXED THE TRANSLATION PLUGIN, it didn't appear...
The 5th Demo's Changelogs: - Title Screen BGM "The Reference" by Otsuu_0x (that's me!) - The Experience became the ingame music - The Entity at the Uncanny Hall...
Changelogs: - NEW TITLE SCREEN BGM, it also plays in the background in the Uncanny Halls - Some Changes on the Entity to make it somewhat more possible...